Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Canines LLC’s video licensing platform! By submitting your video content to us, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before proceeding:

1. Grant of Permission and Non-Exclusive Ownership:
By submitting your video, you grant Canines LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Canines”) full permission and ownership to share, distribute, display, and edit your video as needed. You understand and agree that Canines may make necessary edits to enhance the quality or suitability of the video for our platform.

2. Non-Exclusive Licensing:
This agreement constitutes a non-exclusive licensing deal. As the video creator, you retain all rights to continue using and distributing the video at your discretion. However, you also confirm that you have not entered into any prior agreements with other licensing companies that could restrict the rights granted under this agreement and are hereby giving Canines to share and engage as a rightful owner of this content.

3. Waiver of Rights to Sue:
By submitting your video, you acknowledge and agree that you are waiving all rights to sue Canines LLC, its affiliates, employees, and representatives for any reason related to the submission, licensing, or distribution of your video. This waiver includes, but is not limited to, claims of copyright infringement, misrepresentation, or any other legal grounds.

4. Compensation and Response Period:
Upon acceptance of your video for licensing, Canines will make reasonable efforts to contact you regarding compensation. You, as the video owner, acknowledge and agree to respond to any compensation inquiries within 30 days of the initial contact. If no response is received within this timeframe, Canines reserves the right to decline the payment associated with your video submission.

5. Representations and Warranties:
You represent and warrant that you are the rightful owner of the video content, have the authority to grant the permissions outlined in this agreement, and that the video does not infringe on any third-party rights.

6. Financial Compensation:
a. For videos generating financial gain up to $100, Canines retains full ownership of the compensation generated.
b. For videos generating financial gain exceeding $100, the compensation will be divided equally (50/50) between Canines and the video creator up to a max compensation of $1,000 to the submitter. Canines will remit the video creator’s share of the compensation within a reasonable timeframe.
c. Payouts will be calculated once, 30 days after the content is published on a Canines account that meets the compensation requirements and issues once the platform issues payment to Canines LLC. (Once first contact is made, the creator has up to 30 days to provide payment information to their preferred platform (Venmo, CashApp, or PayPal).

7. Agreement through Social Media Direct Message:
You acknowledge and agree that responding to a direct message on Canines LLC’s official social media account, indicating that you have read and understood these terms and conditions, is also considered binding to this agreement.

8. User-Friendly and Professional Approach:
At Canines, we believe in maintaining a friendly yet professional relationship with our video creators. Our aim is to create a collaborative environment where both parties can benefit from our partnership.

9. Indemnification:
You agree to indemnify and hold Canines LLC harmless from any claims, losses, or liabilities arising from your video submission, including but not limited to claims related to copyright infringement, unauthorized use, or violation of third-party rights.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States of America. Any disputes arising from these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the United States of America.

11. Irreversibility of Agreement:
You acknowledge and agree that this agreement is binding and irreversible, except in cases where both parties mutually agree in writing to modify or terminate the agreement. Any modifications or terminations must be documented in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both Canines LLC and the video creator.

12. Third-Party Disclosure and Legal Responsibility:
You further acknowledge your responsibility to disclose the existence of this agreement to any third-party licensing companies you engage with. It is your obligation to provide these companies with relevant information about the non-exclusive licensing arrangement between you and Canines LLC.

13. Intellectual Property Ownership:
Modifications or enhancements made by Canines to the video do not transfer ownership of those modifications to Canines. The ownership of these modifications remains with the video creator.

14. Confidentiality Clause:
The terms of this agreement are confidential and should not be disclosed to third parties without written consent.

15. Force Majeure:
Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform their obligations under this agreement due to circumstances beyond their control.

16. Limitation of Liability:
Canines’ liability for any damages arising from the use of the video content is limited, provided the damages are not a result of Canines’ gross negligence or willful misconduct.

17. Severability:
If any part of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement will still be valid and enforceable.

18. Electronic Signatures:
Electronic signatures and/or verbal confirmations, whether through email, online forms, or social media direct messages, are acceptable and legally binding methods of agreement.

19. Contact Information:
For inquiries or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us at Support@CaninesSocial.com.
By submitting your video or responding to our social media direct message, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.